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    Some Unique Tattoo Ideas For Girls

    Tattoos have been an important method of self expression throughout history. In the past few decades they have enjoyed quickly rising popularity in American culture. Although even two decades ago a tattoo was considered an act of rebellion, at this point they have become common enough that there are many cliches surrounding tattoos. If you are a girl or woman preparing to get your first tattoo, you want to avoid these cliches in tattoo ideas for girls.

    You want your tattoo to be something that intrigues people, not something they roll their eyes at. A lower back tattoo, your name in Chinese characters, some sort of tribal weave around your ankle... All of those ideas are so overdone that they are likely to earn you nothing but an eye-roll. Here are a few alternatives that will help you express yourself in a more authentic way.

    Get a Tattoo That Represents Your City

    There are many options, for any city, to get a tattoo that shows your pride in your hometown. The city's name, a sports team logo, a landmark. Depending on the size and the amount of detail you want, the possibilities could be endless! My first tattoo was the Detroit D, the symbol for my hometown!

    Get a Tattoo of An Illustration From Your Favorite Childhood Book

    This is a great way to find a unique tattoo that means something special to you. I have a friend who has a drawing from The Little Prince on her ankle. These tattoos may require more detail than others, and you definitely need to find an artist who is comfortable with the style of the illustration.

    Have A Friend Draw Your Tattoo

    If you have artist friends, this is a wonderful way to show your appreciation of their talent, as well as way to make sure your tattoo is unique.

    These are just a few tattoo ideas for girls. There are many other ways to make your tattoo unique, and to avoid simply walking into the tattoo parlor and picking something off the wall.


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