components of blood

    Components of blood.

    Components of blood.

    What are the components of blood?

    What are the components of blood?

    This test tube shows the components of blood in their relative ratios.

    This test tube shows the components of blood in their relative ratios.

    Without platelets, our blood would not be able to clot

    Without platelets, our blood would not be able to clot

    Components of blood

    Components of blood

    Whole blood has 2 basic components: Click to Enlarge

    Whole blood has 2 basic components: Click to Enlarge

    Components of Blood. Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

    Components of Blood. Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)

    Scanning electron microscope image of blood components

    Scanning electron microscope image of blood components

     the composition and concentration of the cellular components of blood.

    the composition and concentration of the cellular components of blood.

    Main Components of the Blood : plasma & cellular compomnents

    Main Components of the Blood : plasma & cellular compomnents

    Components of blood

    Components of blood

    Blood Types. Components of blood. Plasma: 55% of the blood, mixture of water

    Blood Types. Components of blood. Plasma: 55% of the blood, mixture of water

    Composition of blood

    Composition of blood

    Production of components from whole blood.

    Production of components from whole blood.

    The components (or citizens) of blood are

    The components (or citizens) of blood are

     components of blood) F) Nucleic Acids (larger than previous 3 molecules)

    components of blood) F) Nucleic Acids (larger than previous 3 molecules)

    What are the Components of Blood Red blood cells make up a majority of the

    What are the Components of Blood Red blood cells make up a majority of the

    We shall now examine the living components of blood:

    We shall now examine the living components of blood:

    Graph depicting components of blood and fractional blood products

    Graph depicting components of blood and fractional blood products

    Components of Blood 1. Red blood cells (RBC), called erythrocytes,

    Components of Blood 1. Red blood cells (RBC), called erythrocytes,

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